
Here are some of the recent activities that The Ponton Trust has been involved in.

2021 News

Despite the challenges of operating through the covid pandemic the Trust has managed to continue to support charities working with young people in the Edinburgh and Lothian region. The Trust was able to make grants to 24 different organisations during the year to 30 June 2021. The range of work done by these charities is wide and mainly the grants awarded were in the region of £2,000 per project. In terms of larger grants, the Trust continued its support of the Edinburgh & Lothian Trust Fund with a donation of £15,000. This money is used by ELTF to make small grants to individuals in need. The Trust also gave a final instalment of £10,000 to the Rock Trust in connection with the three year funding of the Rock Trust’s Nightshelter project for the homeless.

The Trust has been concerned by the relative drop in applications over recent months.  It is hoped that as restrictions ease there will be an upturn in applications as there is no doubt that the need to support charities working with young people is as undiminished as ever.

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